Time Square Shopping Center
TIME SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER.tif TIME SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER,. Lot I- Permit DENIED to Richard & Evelyn Sternberg to erect 6 1 I 1/2" x 8 1 I 1/2" ground sign 21 1 10 1/2" high obs O' frontyd where 10' req & encr into req JO' landscape strip where wall signs only are perm, 7835-7799 Mission Gorge Rd., Zone CN, (Parcel 2, P.M. 2219), C-13145 7-11-75 appeal granted in part, cond'l a,,.,,_.,L 3-;;i:i-7f1 9-9-75 Lot I- permit to Alex S. & Yvonne Nasch & Steven & Esther Dula {dba time square) to erect 150 sq, ft,, 27' hi grnd sign, obs O' frnt yd, 7799-7835 Missioi Gorge Rd., Zone CN C-15468 10/25/78 Lot 1- permit to Time Dev, Co to delete approx 870' of 6 1 hi wall abutting residential prop, 7700 Mission Gorge Rd, Zone CN- cond. C-12408 2/15/74