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Development Services

Teralta (Resub Blks K &L ) Block 28 Card 2

TERALTA (RESUB BLKS K &L) BLOCK 28 CARD 2.tif TERALTA,-.,.~ Resub Bloc~s ~&"L I;,. 11 ~ / U Block 28 (1 ~. Card# 2 Lots 41 thru 46- AGREEMENT #1244 to Cotton Constr Corp- parking lot for adj C bldg., 4272 Central Avenue- 4/23/63 Lot 17 and North 2/3 of Lot 18- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MAN L. AND MON Y. WA I to: (1) construct a 1,561 sq. ft. addition to an existing restaurant, resulting in total square footage of 2,471; addition to observe at closest point a 61-611 interior side yard on the north side where 10 1 is required adjacent to residentially zoned property; and (2) provide seven parking spaces on-site where twelve are required (to provide remaining five required spaces on adjoining lot to the north), at 4229- 40th Street, Zone CA, Conditions. AMENDED 8-17-83 C-17972 4-1-83 South 2/3 of Lot 15 and all of Lot 16- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MAN L. AND MON Y. WAI to develop the portion of the property behind the existing single-family dwelling as a parking lot to provide five required parking spaces for the commercial building adjoining to the south in the CA Zone, at 4231- 40th Street, Zone R-3A. Conditions. Lots 34,35 & 37- 12-unit apartment Zone R-3A. CUP 17973 4-1-83 ZA APPROVED request of JERRY & MARGARET SUE MCCAW to constr. bldg providing 16 parking spaces where 18 are reqd at4242-50 C-15775 a 2-story Central Ave., 1 /23/79--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------