Teralta Block A Card 2
TERALTA BLOCK A CARD 2.tif TERALTA BLOCK "A";i ~(9':> s All except the W 84' of the S 83' of Lot 20 SB suspended for Liddell &others. Res#42656 8-15-27 Lot 25, E 106 1 of the S 375' Erect distributing Library Permit to S.D. County. Res#69854 Extension of 90 days GRANTED by Res#70796 Board of Supervisors 8-29-39 2-20-40---------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------W-55,8 ft. of the N-300.13 ft. of lot 25- Permit to Floyd M. and Hazel M. Murphy to const a dental clinic with a res. above with a 12 ft. SB, but the SB to be not less than that of the adjoining structure to the West, 3523 M::,nroe Street. Res#3079 4-21-48 N-30 ft. of South 60 ft. of Lot 10- Permit to Nat R, Walker to convert a sin fam res to a duplex with 1 ft. sideyd, 4354-33rd St. Res#3509 11-3-48 M-30' of S-120' lot 10- Permit to Mrs. Cora L. Woodley to const bedroom addn to sin fa.m dwell with exist fireplace obs 0 1 and dwell obs 18" sideyd; addn to obs 18" sideyd, where 3' side yard is req, at 4362- 33rd St., betwn El Cajon Blvd. & Meade Ave., R-4 Zone, Cond'l. C-6435 5-7-64 Lot 25- Permit to Waterford Invest Co., to constr 2-story, 48 unit apt bldg on 39,750 sq. ft. lot resulting in 545 sq. ft. overcoverage or approx 51'1, coverage where max 50% is perm on E 106 ft. of S. 300 1 Lot 25 & s. 75' of N-300 1 of lot 2~, on Meade Ave.~~ 35th St. & Wils~~-~:~:~.:~~~-~=~:____________:::~~~-~:~:___________________:::~~:,_lY.7...----------------