Teralta Block B Card 1
TERALTA BLOCK B CARD 1.tif,, TERALTA BLOCK B Block B, front 200'of W 28' of ~ot 17 3424-:~:~Jon &\thc~~l. Res. 65441 Jan 26-1937 To operate a cleaning & dyeing plant,rear yard to have fence or wall, machinery and particularly Boiler to remain as now located. Permit to Royal Cleaners & Dyers Change location of Boiler-Room fr west to east approx 163' Res.67788 ~.roll\ El Cajon Ave...... 6/28/~!i Lot 16,S-83',Suapension ot "C"(Ord.12989)to allow Creamery,3~th & El Cajon DENIED to Mrs. A. He.niman,by Res.66083. 10/27/36. Permit.to,Wm. L. Baskerville to erect bldg. to be used in connection with cleaning & dyeing plant at 3424 El Cajon Blvd. Said bldg. to be on ptn. of Lot 17, Blk. B, Teralta. Res. 115. adopted May 28, 194?. Res. 115 granting permit to Wm. L. Baskerville amended by Res. 121, adopted June 6, 1942. (same prop. description as above.) Wly ~7.751 of Ely 75.5 1 of the Sly 103.5 1 of Lot 17- Permit to Royal Clean ers & Dyers to build add. to an accessory bldg. Rt 3428 El Cajon Blvd.with not more than 10 employees' Res. No. 640 6/22/44