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Development Services

Talmadge Park Manor Unit # 1

TALMADGE PARK MANOR UNIT # 1.tif TALMADGE PARK MANOR UNIT Ill ~?3-s) Lot 9- Agreement with Raymond B. & Jean C. Lawrence to construct a second story addition above an existing two-car garage, consisting of a new family room, and bath, exterior access via existing garage onto patio. No interior access to existing dwellin_g, and no other exterior access from addition, located at 4970 Dick Street, Rl-5000 zone. RESCINDED 12-13-89 Agreement /14398 9-15-89 Lot 9- New AGREEMENT with Raymond B. and Jean C. Lawrence to construct a second story addition above an existing 2-car garage, consisting of a new family room, 1/2 bath, with exterior access via exterior stairway and existing garage onto patio. no interior access. located at 4970 Dick Street, inthe Rl-5000 zone. A-4493 12-13-89 Lot 12- Agreement with Stephen R. & Kathy McClelland to convert an existing garage to a workroom with washer, dryer, and water heater hookups and with no other plumbing. Work- room to have two exterior access and no interior access. Parking check required to verify off-street parking at 4990 Dick Street, Zone Rl-5000. 4713 8/14/90