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Development Services

Talmadge Park Estates Card 4

TALMADGE PARK ESTATES CARD 4.tif TALMADGE PARK ESTATES ~l04- S. Card #4 Lot ~145- F'"?rmit to Dora K. Friedman to erect 5 'xl2' add to rear of exi~.. t hdrm w/15 '6" rear yd, 4633 Euclid Res C476 51 28752 Wly 103' Lot 1073- Permit to Mil ton C & Blancne Bowers to const 5' ni blk wall in SB, Sly side Jean Dr betw Miracle Dr & Estrella Ave Res 7142 2/4/53 Lot 880- Permit to Harry C & Maurine Van Hooser to erect 18' x 14' add to rear of exist 18' x 20' gar w/1' side yd & 45" rear yd, 4580 47tn Res 7180 2/18/53 Lot 1099- Permit to A. Harold Pitts to const 13' x 20' rumpus rm w/O' side yd (5' req) 4740 Jean Dr, R-1 Res 9376 1/18/56 Lot 1312- Permit to Jack Quigley to canst storage add to exist gar; add to obs 6" side yd, 4855 Winona St, R-1 C-710 8/20/56 Lot 1082- AGREEMENT to MARGARET ELLIS to construct detached recreation room w,ithout plumbing, at 4715 Miracle Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2859 10-19-82 Lot 992- AGREEMENT to CRAIG AND CAROL ULAK to construct second-story addition containing recreation room, bedroom and full bath with outside access thru stairway to an existing single-family dwelling, located at 4539 Estrella Avenue, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3362 9-12-85