Talmadge Park # 3 Card 1
TALMADGE PARK # 3 CARD 1.tif ~;:::PARICC~: 3 l"IO,o-s- 11 Oa?ii K~.7.1! Lot;83, Build 2 houses, eaoh paroel 50' wide, area of 5000 sq' with a 30' set-back on Al.dine Dr. (Granted to H. w. Dye) Res, 69921 9-12-39 Lota 643-644, Residence, set-back 5' from P, L, on Nonna Dr. Res, 648;8 Granted to Geo. W. Belden Lots 642 & of 643, Res, & Gar, set-baok 5' from P, L, Norma Dr. Res. 65002 l.O-6-36 Granted to Dona.J.d E, C1ark Lots 636-637. Residence, set-back 5' from line on Nonna Dr, Res. 65273 12-8-36 Granted to Madeline C. Ouellet Lot 682, Residence with rear yard 8 1 back 13' frcm Natalie Dr, Granted to George M, Peck Res. 67536 5-3-38 Lot 704, Residence in Zone R-1 with a 161 rear yard at Natalie & Constance) DENIED to L, L, Taylor, by Bes, 68823 1-31-39 Lot 596 Garage portion of Res, to the P, L, at 4542 Norma Dr, DENIED TO J, W, Anderson, by Res, 69652 7-18-39 GRANTED by Res, 69799 8-15-39 Lot 769 (Ord, 8924) suspended to al.low private Ga.rage with l' side yard Granted to V, Rundolph Shelley, by Res. 76383 March 10th, 1942 re Lot 661 & N 662, Permit to James:S & Edna G. Sears to construct garage 28 inch from sid.e lot line & 63 ft. from front prop line, 4721 Natalie Dr. Res 871 3-1-45