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Development Services

Swan's Addn. Map 947

SWAN'S ADDN. MAP 947.tif SWANS ADDITION. Map No. 947 Lots 8 thru 10- ZA DENIED request of PZ-NEZ ASSOCIATES to move on a duplex & single-family dwelling where a Conditional Use Permit is required at 2908-14 Chamounde Avenue, Zone MR-JXX), Mid-City Planned District. C-19191 5/16/86 Lots 32 and 33- Agreement with STEPHEN and DANA VANPELT to construct a bedroom and full bath addition to a single-family dwelling; bedroom and bath addition with outside access is accessed through existing family room, located at 2533 Roseview Place. Rl-5000 zone Agreement No. 4797 10/24/90