Swan's Addn. Block 20 Card 1
SWAN'S ADDN. BLOCK 20 CARD 1.tif SWAll1 S ADDI'.rIOB m.ocx 20 '. e~ CARD #1 ~ s 20 ft. of Lot 6 & all Lot?, Permit to Wm. G. & Eva 1!rigmaa to use this parcel per R-4 Zone with 45 ft. frontage on FairmOW1t S-J96 9-23-56 s 10-ft. of Lot 4, & all Lot 5, & 11 5 ft. of Lot 6, Permit to Wm. G. & Eva Brigman to use this parcel per normal R-4 Zone, with 40 ft. frontage on Fairmouat St. S-395 9-23-56 Let J & B 15 ft. of Lot 4, Permit to above to use this parcel per R-4 Zone, with 40 ft. frontage on Fairmount St. S-J94 9-23-56 Lots 25- 30- Permit GRANTED tof;~N'l o1foo HOUSING COMMISSION, a public agency, owner, and BAKER CONSTRUCTION, a general partnership, permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Residential Development located east of Fairmount Avenue between Laurel Street and Home Avenue, Zone R-2. PRO #20-236-0 8-11-81 Lots 8-17- ZA APPROVED request of the HOUSING AUTHOR I TY OF THE CI TY OF SAN DI EGO, owner; BAKER'WALSH PARTNERSHIP, lessee to constr. 3, 4-unit bldgs on lot 1) one bldg to obs 12' front yd, & one to obs 5' at closest point where 15' is reqd; 2) six parking spaces observins 0' front yd where 15' is reqd; 3) provide 12 compact spaces & 7 standard on premises where 11 compact and 8 standard are reqd (3 addnl standard spaces are provid~d in public right-of-w~y) & 4' eliminate trees on the public right-of-way at the 2200 blk of Fairmount Ave., between Laurel & ~:ome, Zone R-1000 with cond. C-18671 1 /25/85--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------