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Development Services

Superba Heights Block 1

SUPERBA HEIGHTS BLOCK 1.tif SUPER.BA HEIGHTS BLOCK l /0 Lot 24- Permit to Angelo Giannantonio, Owner and Robert c. Howard, rentor to operate a Radio Repair Shop in exist residence at 38o2 superba St. Cond'l. Res 1917 12-5-46----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 3, 4, 5, & 6- Permit DENIED by ZA as requ. but APPROVED 0 1 side yard where 10 1 is required;(2) building to observe 10 1 at the closest pt. enclosed planter to observe a 7 1 611 set back; (3) APPROVED open fence in the front of the building; other fencing to include aluminum slabs. (COND) C16778 6/12/80 Lot 16- ZA APPROVED request of Rex \./211 iams- to I) move-on a one-story, single-fam. dwelling to a lot containing an existing one-story, single-family dwelling where such use is permitted only by Condition Use Permit; 2) to locate two off-street parking spaces within the reqd. interior side yd. observing at closest point a O; interior side yd. where 5' is reqd; & 3) to provide 735 sq. ft. of landscaping on the premises where 1,920 sq. ft. is reqd. at 3870 Superior St., Zone R-3000, with conds. C-18936 9/20/85-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------