Sunshine Gardens Card 2
SUNSHINE GARDENS CARD 2.tif Lots 314 thrn. 318- Permit DENIED to Claude & Clara Chandler, onwer, & Harry Epsten, lessee.' to erect sign, 303 47th St. Res. No. 6221 2-20-52-------------------------------------------- ~- Lots 314 thra. 318- OitJ- Couhcil oTerruled z.c. decision on ilOVJ 00105~ 3-20-52 L~;~;~~J~&J~:;;~1t~Ha;;"i-;.~hbli&~;ldf1~;to;~~tm"ie7- Tra11.r Park & sales lot, to replace present office & mgr' a ~. 303 47th st._____________________________:!!_s!.!_o.!. ~:o-___ 6-~,22____ Lots 92 & 9)- Pemit to Harry lilpul!cn bu_moue fue res from:lO) 47th St to 4759 lfogal " HM Res. 1480 g-:'S.-!52----------------------------------------------