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Development Services

Sunset Cliffs Block 27

SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 27.tif SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 27 Por Lot 1- Permit to Guy Slusser to erect 25 unit apt and 12 gar with 14' access & walking deck above, Cor Pt Loma Ave & Sunset Cliff Blvd. Cond'l. Res 7267 3-18-53 Por Lot- Permit DENIED to Pasteur Realty Corp, Alan Peron, Pres. to constr & operate a V- type sJgn on apt-notel roof facing Pt Loma Ave & Sunset Cliffs Blvd at 1370 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. Res 8998 6-22-55 SW 125' of Lot l- Permit to Jack & Gloria Crowningsnield, Owners and Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, Lessee to maint a free-stand sign 3' x 18" overall nt 7', advert Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, witn a circular sign 2' in diameter (designating "nostess") attached wnere only signs attached to face of bldg are perm at 135A Sunset Cliffs Blvd betw Pt Loms Ave; and Adair St. Zone RP. C-9490. 9-24-69 So 125'- Permit DENIED to Jack & Gloria Crowningshield to (1) erect approx 105' of ret wall ranging in heignt from 8 1 to 14', por to obs O' int side yard where max 6 1 hign wall is perm in req 7' int side yard and max 10' nign wall is perm benind all req yards (2) erect 30' of ret wall ranging in neignt from 2' to 8 1611 obs at closest point a O' front yd wnere max 3' nigh wall is perm in req 15' front yard, at 1352 Sunset Cliffs Blvd betw Point Loma Ave and Adair St., Zone co. c-11544 N.H. 10-12-72 Lot 1, Home Occupation Permit approved by SCA, MARCE KAY VOGT requested to modify an existing home occupation deviation from operational regulations at ~ 1356 sunset Cliffs Blvd, Sensitive Coastal Resource Zone c- 2-J 2..b "8-H