Sunset Cliffs Block 22 Card 2
SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 22 CARD 2.tif JBBCl-5 SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 22 Lot 26, Permit to Edwin C. & Mgt G, Buffington to const carport & utility rm addn to exist sing fam res, addn to ob 12'-10" SB on NoTara St (aTer 19 1-3")1015 Devonshire Dr. R-1 Case 3711 12-9-60 Lot 4- Permit to Bernard J. & Helen F. 0 1Neill to const detacned 2-car gar with study above garage & study to obs 11'6 11 rear yard where 20 1 rear yard is re;.,, on SW'ly 53 1 of Lot 4, at 1089 Guizot St, betw Devonshire Dr. & Leon St,, Zone R-1-5. AMENDED 10-Jl-67 Case No. 7923 11-2-66-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 14, AGREEMENT to Larry & Susan Hill to constr fam rm addn w/bar sink to exist sin fam dwell at 1059 Guizot St., Zone___ AGREE #2254 3/22/77 Lot 13- AGREEMENT to DAVID P. & IRENE M. NEWMAN to construct a one story bedroom and bath addition to existing two-story, single-family dwelling, at 1058 Novara Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2757 3-8-82 Lot 22- ZA APPROVED request of FRANK FRYE Ill to constr. a 103 sq. ft. addn to existing detached bldg on lot with existing SFD; addn. will contain full bath & will result in the conversion of the existing bldg into guest quarters at 1034 Novara St., Zone Rl-5000, cond. C-18663 12/21/84----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lot 2- AGREEMENT with Larry Gustafson to convert an existing 1-car garage & enclose an existing caI1X}rt to create a rraster bedroan, to include closet, bath, laundry roan with both interior and exterior access at 4435 Leon St, zoned Rl-5000 1\GREE # 3884 12/18/88