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Sunnyslope Addn Block 3 Card #1

SUNNYSLOPE ADDN BLOCK 3 CARD #1.tif SUNNY SLOPE sw Lot 26, prior ADDN BLOCK 3 Permit to Wm. E. & Marion Raishe to construct sin fam residence on parcel split to 12-5-54, Nly side of Gibson, ~one R-2 C~se 2814 9-18-59-P~r-~t-14 ~n-_a;c-of S~vey-3700,-r;~it to-P;r;y-W~ & Uo;e-A01- Be;hth~l; to-~i;t;i;-- 28' x 28' add. to res 1mich has 12' rear yd, Ql5 1 req) & 3' sideyd (4 1 req) at 1740 Plover St, Zone &-2, cond' 1. Case #3234 4-1-60 ~:{o~~o~;e~=t-t: ~-~-~ ~o~s:e~a-t::e~o~z:n:k:,;r~;o-c:n:t-c:r:o~t-o~s-1~'-;E(2;~eq) at 1626 Fbver St betw Gibson & KlnbP-r 3:1's C-3534 S/Jl/60---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot l- Penni t to William E. & Cedil P. Noland Bell to erect approx 170 1 of 5 1 high chain_, j link fence obs from 0 1 to 35 1 Sb where a 3' high fence is perm at 1509 Hilger St. betw Klauber & Givson Sts, Zone R-2. Case No. 7897 N.B. 9-22-66----------------------------------------------Lot 17- Permit to Delvin M. & Marguerite Fields to convert 20' x 24' non-conforming garage to family rm; garage obs a 51 interior side yd where 8 1 is req; at 1616 Plover St., Zone R-1-20 CONDITIONS C-13,813 9-21-76 Lot 9- Permit to Maymie M. Brown at 1655 Hilger St., Zone R-1-10, to constr approx 30' of 5' high chain link fence to obs O' frt yd on Klauber St. but DENIED approx 184' of 5' high chain link fence on Hilger St, but APPROVED approx 150' of 5' high fence to obs O' str side yd and 64' of 5' high fence on SE side of property to obs 5' str side yd Condit. c-15868 3/8/79