Sun Harbor Tract N0.1 Block 4
SUN HARBOR TRACT N0.1 BLOCK 4.tif SUN HARBOR TRACT NG. 1 BLOCK 4 I(, "'- s Lot 35- Permit to Garland F. and Mary F. Riley to constr a 20' x 24' private stg. garage on vacant lot which is across the alley from owner's res., Raven Street, south of Hilltop Dr ~~~~~~: ~#-~-~7---------------------------~=~:-~~:-~:~~-------------~=~~=~~---- Lot 27 an~ S 20' of Lot 28- Permit;to Cecilia and Joseph Curia to maintain sin fam res and constr second sin fam res with 45 1 frontage on Raven St., Zone R-2 s-463 9-10-57 Lots 29 and 30, N5' of Lot 28- Permit to Cecilia and Joseph Curia to maintain two exist sin fam res on this parcel, with 55' frontage on Raven St., Zone R-2. s-464 9-10-57 Lot 35- Permit to Garland & Mary Riley to const priv stge gar on vac lot, applied for Zone Variance under application no. 5802 AGREE# 527 3-16-48--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------