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Development Services

Summit #1 Card #1

SUMMIT #1 CARD #1.tif SUMMIT #1 Portion of Lot 1- Permit GRANTED to TREETOPS UNLIMITED, a California Corporation, ~wner/ permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Residential Development located soutli'of Paradise Valley Road between the termini of Warmwood Avenuf and Tinaja Lane, Zone A-1-10 (proposed R-1-5). PRD #20-257=0 6-11-82 Portion of Lot I- Amendment granted to TREETOPS UNLIMITED to construct a Planned Residential Dev. located south of Paradise Valley Rd., between the termini of Warmwood Ave. & Tinaja Lane in the A-1-10 (proposed R-1-5) zone. AMENDMENT PRD #84-0296 7/23/84