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Development Services

Stetsons Addn. Block 4 Card 1

STETSONS ADDN. BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif Lots 37-38- to Wm. H. & Nola Childs to erect a 4-unit court with a 5 1 access court for the 4th unit over the ar. on T St. bet. th & 8th. Res. No. 0 2-8- 0 Lota 37 & 38- Permit DENIED to Wm. H. & Nola Childs to conT exist stor area into apt making 5 units, 2 to be sened by 5t1 access, 3741 T St. Res. No. 6126, 1-23-52---------------------------------------------Leta 37 & 38- Permit to Wm. H. & NGla Childs te cenvert exist rumpus rm te an apt, mak- ing a tetal ef 5 units on the preperty, 2 units to be served by a 5 1 access court, at 3741 te 3747 "T St. on cond. that prepesed 5th unit comply with ~ldg.Dept.req11ir.__ (~9,!11_!!1_!!75.4.a. g/J:.4f5g,_h!_r!.bf.!e!.C!n!e~)--_-__ 5_ <:~ 13.'1.!~~1._R_!s:.. fSgJ._ 'i}g_6/.5lj___ Lots 37 & 38- \GREEMENT #754 to Willi'lIII H. & Nola Childs to convert existing garage into rumpus roan and add barsink and sandwich grill to 2nd garage qee Res 8216 2/14/52