Stetsons Addn. Block 3 Card 2
STETSONS ADDN. BLOCK 3 CARD 2.tif STETSON'S ADDITION BLOCK 3 t,'}_--~.-.--,- 17' CARD d Lots 17 and 18- Permit APPROVED by A2A to PEDRO ANO LUCILA CARDONA to maintain the existing wall with solid posts ranging in height from 3'-6" to 4 1-611 with wrought iron between posts, where maximum 3' high wall/fence is permitted in required 15 1 front yard, located at 3770 11T11 Street, Zone R-2. Condition. C-18201 NH 10-5-83 Lots 25,26 & 27-ZA DENIED request of YELAD H. ATTISHA to: 1) maintain existing 19'6" x 21 1,, 1 storage room addn to an existing nonconforming grocary store; 2) maintain 40' of existing 8 1 hi wrought iron fencing & approx. 8 1 of 8 1 hi, 50% open, wooden fencing observ- ing a 3' rear yd & O' interior side yd where a 6 1 high fence is the max. permitted within the reqd. 4 1 rear & interior side yds. at 604 So. 38th St., Zone R-3000. c-18693 1/18/85 C-18693 APPEALED to BZA on 3/20/85, BZA MODIFIED ZA's Decision to require the storage room to be reduced to 9'9" x 21 1 811, s4bj. to conds. C-18693 3/20/85