Starkey's Prospect Park Block E Card 3
STARKEY'S PROSPECT PARK BLOCK E CARD 3.tif.. ~........... ~...... ~ "-.... '-.... ~. ' STARKEV 1S PROSPECT PARK /,a_G_A_RD #3 Northerly 100 feet of Southerly 105 feet of Lot 3- Permit to Gayle S. HUNTER DENIED by Zit to construct a two-story one-unit addition to existing single-family dwelling, addition to observe an 8'-6 11 rear ya rd where 15 1 is required, at 636 Bon Air- PI ace, Zone R-2. CASE NO. 16346 10-18-79 Lot 24- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Coastal Development Permit to DON EMERSON to demolish an existing one-story single-family dwelling and to construct a Coastal Development located at 653 Bonair Place, Map 1729, excepting from said Lot 24 the south 100 ft. and the north 5 ft. thereof, R-3000 Zone. CDP #89-1112 12-22-89