Spring Garden Tract Block 1
SPRING GARDEN TRACT BLOCK 1.tif SPRiNG GARDEN TRACT BLOCK l CDl~jl 3./C\g-1131 ~ I- Lots 29 thru 32- Permit to Felix Scovone to erect 6' chian link fence in fr of SB l~ne, a por of fence to be on W lot line & 50' on N lot line of L. 31 & 32, 3251 L St. Res. No. 7848 10-28-53---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 23 & E 17 ft. Lot 24, Permit to Chas. F. Sachtleben to build as permitted in. zone with 42 ft on "L II st. S-54 7 9-8-5~ W 8 1 of Lot 24, all Lot 25 & E 9 1 of Lot 26, Permit to Chas F. Sachtleben to build as per R-4 zone with 42 ft. frontage on 111 11 St. S-548 9-8-58 W 16 ft. of Lot 26, & E 17 ft. of Lot 27, Permit to Hanford Lawson to build as per R-4 zone, with 33 ft. frontage on 111 11 St. S-549 9-8-58-------------------------------------------- W 8ft. of Lot 27, all Lot 28, & Ely 17 ft. of Lot 29, Permit to Rosa & A. B. Armstrong to build as per R-4 zone. with 50 ft. frontage on 111 11 St. S-550 9-8-58 Wly 8ft. of Lot 29, all of Lots30, 31, 32, Permit to Felix & Reva Scovone to build as permitted in R-4 Zone, with 91.53 ft. frontage on "L" st. S-551 9-8-58------------------------------------------Portion of Lots 17, 18 & 19- Permit APPROVED BY ZA to Home Capital Corporation to construct two units on a 4,592 sq. ft. parcel where 5,000 s~. ft. is required, and APPROVED.6 Floor Area Ratio Where.5 is permitted, at 146 33rd St., zone R-2. Conditions. Case 16562 3-7-80