Speer Tract Card # 2
SPEER TRACT CARD # 2.tif, Card# 2 SPEER TRACT Lot 1- Z.A. has cons. appl, of Mr. W. Arnet Speer to erect & maintain 1 double-faced, lighted non-flashing, post mounted, direc, ~ changeable letter advert. grd. sign w/post in req. 10' planting stripi sign proj, over entire planting strip; top of sign 48' above grd.; bottom of sign 1316" above grd.; sign to direct public to~ advertise businesses located on premises & (C-7046) sign post obs. 51-611 setback; edge of sign obs O' setback on Midway Dr. where 10' setback is est; has DENIED the sign projecting over the entire planting strip, & DENIED setback of 5'-6" for the post & O' setback for the sign, but APPROVED sign proj. 6' over the planting strip, & APPROVED post obs. 9 1-611 setback & edge of sign obs. 4' setback, condl. that no existing trees be removed from the landscaped area; and that all existing signs illegally located within the setback & landscaped areas along both Midway Drive & Rosecrans St. be permanently removed at 2800 block Midway Drive bet. Rosecrans & Barnett Ave,, C-lA Zone. Case 7045, 7046 4/5/65 Being a lot line adjustment of lot 1 of Speer Tract and Lot 1 Speer Tract Addition together with those portions of rosecrans Pl, Rosecrans St, and Wallace St as vacated and closed to public use. PM 15510 recorded 12/28/88 Lot 1- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Planned Corrmercial Develorent Pennit to HUGHES INVFS'IMENTS/LQ\1A SQUARE ASSOCIATES to renovate an existing shopping center and add 33,512 sq.ft. of cormercial area, located on the southeast corner of Midway Drive and Rosecrans Street, Map 3789, cA Zone. PCD #87-0843 2-19-88