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Development Services

Southlook Block B Card 1

SOUTHLOOK BLOCK B CARD 1.tif SOU'IBLOOK OO!S55 BLOCK B S /91/-/73~ (d" CARD#~ Lot 7- Permit to Rita Madrigal (AKA Atayde) to erect 72 1 of ret wall ranging in ht from 3' to 5' with' to l' high block wall on top thereof (max overall ht 61) to obs at closest point a O' front yard where max 3' high ret wall is perm in 15' front yard, at 405 Southlook Ave. betw Olivewood Terrace and Gilmore St. Zone R-2. c-12936 N.H. 12-5-74 Lot 8- Permit DENIED by A2A to NATIVIDAD FLORES GONZALES to construct approximately 85 1 of 6 1 high chain link fence observing a O' front yard where a 3' high fence is permitted, at 417 Southlook Avenue, Zone R-2. C-17620 NH 4-28-82