South San Diego Park Acres
SOUTH SAN DIEGO PARK ACRES.tif SOUTH SAN DIEGO PARK ACRES N Lot 5- Permit to Imperial Beach Church of The Nazarene, pur, &L. D. Chitwood, owner, to const church with l sign, 8 sq.ft,, on Elder St betw Granger & 15th, R-1, cond'l Case No. 2037 9-12-58------------------------------------ Lot 10- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Smith to const sing fam res with no frontage on dedicated street but abutting full length on ing in width from 11.56 to 12,951, w'1ere no dwell is perm to be on lot without abutting full length or full width on a dedicated 15th St. (So San Diego), Sly of' Elder Ave., Zone R-1, condl. Case No.5689 & gar on par alley rang- constructed street, on 5-16-63------------------------------~--------------------------------------------