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South La Jolla Block F Card 2

SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK F CARD 2.tif SOUffl LA JOLLA BLOCK F, <;- Lots 1,2,3,~t t~ Truman Parker;';& move Ycs+Jsnce from 722 Westbarrae to 2j? We5'11iourne ........._______ HM Res 3054 12-J-58-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 5 & 6, Permit to Walter A. & Virene Dewhurst to conplete const. & alteration of 2nd floor of rear res, making total of J living units at 247 Westbourne, Zone R-2 cond 11. Case 2204 12-1/)-58 Case 2205 permitted the above, the rear 2 units being served by.3 1-4'1/ access court-----------------------------------------------------------------~--------------Lots 33 & 34- Permit to Catherine M, Wrisnt to const approx 201 x 46 1 sing fam liY unit add.n over detached nonconforming gar on a par with a sing fari res; det gar oba 0 1 side:,cl where 31 side yard is req; addn to meet all yd requinu11enta at 427 Westbcurne St. betw Vista Del Kar Ave. & La Jolla Blvd., Zone R-2. Case Ho. 6854-~ts 14 &-W 12;, ot" Lot 15 &lO'W;;tb~;-st:~i;d:-~3:-:-P;~to-Marion~Porl7r- to develop as pennitted in R-2 Zone; 37' frontage at 335 Westbourne. CIIIIII, 5-757 7/6/64 EU' of-Lot-15-&-16-&-io~-w;;t~~;;;-st:-~lsd.-;dj:-:-;;rmit-;;-d;;;1;;-;:;~;;itted in R-2 Zone; 37' frontage at 341 Westbourne St. to Fa:y H. Wolfson. S-758 7/6/64 ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 33,34 AGREEMENT f1363 to Mrs. Catherine M, Wright to eonstr tesidence wld0!1J.siairs guest mover exist gar result in 2 dwell on premises, 427 Westbourne, Zone R-2 2/1/65