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Development Services

Soledad Terrace Card 2

SOLEDAD TERRACE CARD 2.tif Lot 15- Pe~~ to ~c!!~ P~:~~a1:1.f:~1=:! l\ purpose or building l single family dwel g on each_pa~cl, on Loa Altos Road, so.or Soledad Road Re 760 10/9/44. '. i Lot 12- Pel"mit to Mrs. Erling Rohde to d1v1d intJ-two parcels & to pel'lllit one single family dwelling on each parcel, Los ~ltos Road Res. lfo. 76f; 10/9/44..,_.,..:--- Lot 13- Permit to Jack W. & Helen Brem to divide into two bldg. aitea, in area & each with approx. 150 ft. street frontage to permit one sinc.fam.rea.on each parcel, north side of Lo Altos lload, 50 1 west of Soledad Road Res. No. 1984 1/16/47 Lot 7- Pennit to W.H. and Irene Hudson to divide said lot into 2 parcels and permit a single fam. res. on each, SEly corner of Jewell Street & Los Altos Road sub ect to set back re uirements Res. No. 284 2 11 48 Lot 26/-p~~rmit to How~rd G. &: Arlean M. Golem to divide por. Lot 26 into 2 parcels and to const. aa single ram. res. at 1687 Los Altos Rd. Res. No. 32~0 6/2/48 Wly por. of Lot 22- Permit to Kenneth and ram res thereon 1682 Los Altos Road Res. No Lot l- Permit to TD Sherman, owner & H. 0. Warei pur, to divinto.2 par & const sing am res on ea, E side of Collingwood ur. at Loring~ l',-, 1.,I tJI.T- s7 ff~s.#SO