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Shaw Addn Card (To Encanto Hghts) Card 1

SHAW ADDN CARD (TO ENCANTO HGHTS) CARD 1.tif___,,,,..-;r:-? SHAW.AJ:> l> ITlOI (To Enca~to Hts),:1..21-s "Ill card #1,r: Lot I & por of J- Permit to c.w. Anderson to split into 2 bldg sites, each to have 5000 sq ft or more in area; to permit a sin fam res on each parcel, 225 Woodman St. Res. 1582 6-6-46 Lot H- Permit to Catarino Hernandez, own & R,E. Hernandez, purch to const a 2nd res on lot at 120 Ritchey St. Res. 1663 8-1-46 Lot H- Ext of 6 mo to Catarino Hernandez, own & R.E. Hernandez, purch to constr a 2nd res on lot at 120 Res. 2018 1-30-47 Lot S- Condl permit to Bennie J. & Leona May Lee to const addn with kchn to exist guest house, W 2 A of N of Lot 9, Encanto & Lot S in Shaw,,Addn, 275 Ritchey St. SEE A-741 Res. 5873 10-3-51 Lots F & G- Permit to Eliz. Martin, S.D. Tr & Svgs Bank, guardian, to rediv lots into 2 par, one par with 6o' frontage & other with Bo frontage on Benson Ave. betw Woodman and Ritchey St. Res. 6867 10-1-52 Pors Lots I & J- Permit DENIED to Lloyd S. Working to const gar with 3' SB (15' req) at 227 Woodman st., R-1 C-993 2-8-57 N Lot A- Permit to Felipe L. & Christine Mendoza to const sin fam res & gar on parcel split prior to 12-5-54, W side of Woodman Ave. N of Benson Ave., R-1 on condl of Survey Cert be filed with Planning Office. c-329e,- 4-22-60