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Development Services

Seven Inns Subdivision Card 4

SEVEN INNS SUBDIVISION CARD 4.tif SEVEN INNS SUBDIVISION S'--,t ~ 1 CARD 14 Lot 1 .. /Perinit to Hotel Circle, Inc., to (1) remove exist sing-faced, 21 x 61 interior lighted ID sign for "Kelly's Steak House" facing st front and reinstall on rear face of bldg front mot- el parking lot; and (2) to install one sing-faced, 3' x 8 1 interior lighted ID sign for "Kelly's Steak House11 on face of bldg.facing st.front, sign proj 1 1 above the eaves of the bldg, where 3/10 sq. ft. of sign area for ea lineal ft of st frontage designating the principal perm use of the prop is perm and such signs may not proj above eaves of the bldg, at 250 Hotel Circle, west of and adj to Highway 395, Zone R-5. Lot l Case No. 8853 9-10-68--rots-r-&-~=-zT.-hasconsiaei=eatne-request-or7iotei-~rrcre;-Iiic7ror-upriiiission-iooonsrr a 5,850 sq. ft. banquet facility addn on lot with exist hotel and accessory uses, new structure to obs all yd req but to result in 530 parking spaces where 603 (as amended) are req, at 250 Hotel Circle North betw Hignway 395 and Morena Blvd, Zone R-5 and nas DENIED the appl as reqaested, but APPROVED constr of the facility described above with 540 off street parking spaces where 603 are required. c-10368 3-25-71 Lots 1 & 2- DENIED req of Kenneth R. Riley, Pres. Hotel Circle Inc. to add 9th story addn to exist hotel, addn to consist of dining areas, cocktail bar & recr rm resulting in a need for 46 addtl parking spces; C-10368 perm 540 spces where 603 req,addn would incr total to 649where 540 only provided. 250 Hotel Circle N., Zone CR. OHllurnee~. Amended 9-5-72 Case So. 11368 7-28-72-------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------Appealed- Appeal GRANTED and the decision of the Z.A. be, and nereby is, overruled, and appellant's appeal is sustained c-11368 9-5-72