Seven Inns Subdivision Card 2
SEVEN INNS SUBDIVISION CARD 2.tif SEv'EN INNS.:;U.6Div'ISIGN (\ Card Jo. 2 Lot 1- rer,uest DENIED to Hotel Circle, Inc. to add 71 motel units to existing motel with new bldg at rear to obs O' side yd E'ly side and l.5'6" side yd on '.: 1ly side where 22.68 1 side yd is re,1; and with new bldg to encroach 17.24' into re 0 22.68 1 side ~Id, and 4.76 1 into req 10' landscape strip, both along.:'ly side; and to park in req 10' landscape;;trip along:$ 1ly side where no structures or parking are permitted at 250 Hotel Circle North, E8ly of and adj to Town Y Country Hotel, it-5. C-7942 12-15-66---------------,~------------------------------------------------------------------------I "Lot 1- per;d.t DENIED to Hotel Circle Inc. to add 71 motel units to the e.d.sting motel with new bldg to encroach 2~.68 1 into re,~, 22.68 1 sic.e yd, and 4.76~ into req 10 1 landscape strip, Doth along 1ly side; and to park in req 10' landscape strip along E1ly side where no structures or parking are permitted; at 250 Hotel Circle ~orth, E'ly of and adj to Town & Country hotel, '-one,{-5. C-7943 12-15-66- Lot l- request WITHDitAWN of li.otel Circle, Inc. to add 71 motel units to exist motel with new bldg at rear to obs 20 1 side yd on each side where 22.6 1 is re(,, at 250 Hotel Circle North on the E'ly side of Town & Country Motel, Zone R-5. Case No. 7994 1-13-67------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1 & 2_ Permit to Hotel Circle, Inc., Operator of Seven Inns J.lotel, owner of Lot 1, and E. F. & c. s. Weerts and J.M.. Sachs, owners of Lot 2, and Hotel Circle, Inc:, pur?haser of Lot 2, to add 100 motel units to exist 99 unit motel making a total of 199 units,_wit~ 51 landscape strip along the East, North and West bo:indaries (as_ shown ~n J:lans on file in the Office of the Zoning Administrator), where 10 1 wiae landscaping strip is req, at 250 Hotel Circle North, E'ly of Town and Country Motel, Zone it.-5, Cond'l. Case No. 7995 3-10-67 ~&-.2-(;7