Sentinel Center (Formerly Mission Valley Professinal Center) Card 3
SENTINEL CENTER (FORMERLY MISSION VALLEY PROFESSINAL CENTER) CARD 3.tif SENTINEL CENTER (FORMERLY MISSION VALLE~ONAL CENTER) '3C) CARD #3 Lot 2- Permit was considered by zA'1?i~-iN";-F(NCES A, KIRCHNER, owners; AMERICAN THRIFT AND LOAN, lessee, to erect two 60' high flag poles to observe a 0 1 front yard where 15' is established; and to erect 175 sq. ft. of wall sign where 150 sq. ft. is the maximum permitted, at 1900- 2000 Camino Del Rio North, Zone CA. C-17496 12-18-81 DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED 150 sq. ft. wall sign to be placed on a new parapet wall. Conditions. BZA- APPEAL APPROVED and the decision of the ZA overruled on two 60 1 high flag poles and the appeal of the 150 sq. ft, of wall sign is hereby DENIED and the decision of the ZA upheld. 2/1/82. Lots 2 & 3- PLANNING DIRECroR GRANTED a Planned Comrercial Developnent Pennit to RALVIN PACIFIC PROPERI'IFS, INC. to construct a Planned Cornrercial Developnent located on the south side of camino de la Reina' between Camino del Este and Stadium Way, Map 5505, CA Zone. PCD #88-0661 9-23-88