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Development Services

Sec 36 T14s, R2w

SEC 36 T14S, R2W.tif SEC: 36, Tl4S, R2W \S Por- Asst Z.A. considered appl of Mira Mesa Shopping Center, Owner and Ponderosa Homes, Lessee to erect one 81 x 20' double-faced, freestanding, unlighted, directional sign advertising "Park West" where max 8 sq ft. sign advertising property for sale or lease is permitteg, on Mira Mesa Blvd at NE corner of intersection with C~ino Ruiz in A-1-1 (interim)Zone has DENIED the appl as req but APPROVED a 4' x 8 1 tree-s}anding sign, 12' high, condl. a,+'- C-l0212 12-15-70-~~-P--~-L~~..1..s:.J..~ILt~Y~-VJ___ i.Jil:..=1~=-'Vdl;.J.41,,,,J..)._________________________