Sec 32 T14s,R2w Sbbm Card 2
SEC 32 T14S,R2W SBBM CARD 2.tif SECTT0~}2, Tl4S, R2W.L.-EBBM CARD #2 Portion- Permit GRANTED to DAON CORPORATION, a DELAWARE CORPORATION, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Residential Development located north and south of Scripps Ranch Boulevard between Interstate 15 and the proposed extension of Spring Canyon Road, zone 4-1-6 proposerl. PRD #20-239-0 9-30-81 Portion- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MIRA CENTER, owner, DENNY'S, INC., purchaser, to construct a 4,625 sq. ft. fast food restaurant providing 24 off-street parking spaces are required, but access to parking from adjoin- ing parcel where access must be directly from a public street or alley, located at the northeast corner of Mira Mesa Boulevard and I-15, Zone CA. Conditions. c-17696 7-30-82 Portion- Permit GRANTED to DEGEN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A California Cor- poration, Owner/permittee, to develop a residential project located along the west side of the I-15 freeway north of the Intersection of Gold Coast Drive and Maya Linda Road, Zone A-1-1. PCD #82-0472 2-25-83 Portion- ZA APPROVED request of SCRIPPS TERRACE EQUITY PARTNERS, LIMITED, Owner; SCRIPPS MESA BAPTIST CHURCH, lessee- to use 6,900 sq. ft. of exist- ing "Building No. 2" as a church where such use is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only- at 10635 Scripps Ranch Boulevard., Zone M-lP, with con- ditions c-18970 11-1-85