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Development Services

Sec 28 T18s,R2w Card 3

SEC 28 T18S,R2W CARD 3.tif SECTION 28- 'Tl8S R2W CARD tt3 Por"NE..: The-Zoning Adm1nistrator has considered the req of C. E. Norcross, owner &,;Robinhood Homes, Inc., lessee, to erect and maintain for a period not to exceed one year one single faced, unlighted 8 1 xl61 directional ground sign advertising Robinhood Homes,_a new subdivision located approx 3 miles distant, where max 8 sq. ft. sign offering pre- mises for sale is perm, at Palm Ave., South San Diego, Ely of 19th St., R-2 Zone, and has DENIED the 81 x 16 1,sign,.but APPROVED a 6 1 x 101 sign, condl. \ ~.. L..l....c,____ rse No~ 6761 10-S-64---~C-~-----~-.Jl=~__ <;..s,.._.uQ.:.4_~-~)---~ JEEZ) Ji____________________________ 1 yr. ext. to above Case Ho. 6761 to exp. 11/1/66 (10/4/65) l yr. ext. to above Case No. 6761 to exp 11-1-67 (10-5-66) 1 yr ext to 11-1-68 (10-23-67)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. NE of NEt (Tentative Lot l, Houghton Sub. No. l)- Request of E. H. Houghton, Inc., owner, & Gulf Oil Corp., purchaser, TABLED to const gasoline serv sta on premises obs the following SB's on Palm Ave. where st widening SB of 601 from center line is estab and no structures are perm in estab SB: (1) Canopy to obs 56 1 from center line; (2) Sign post to obs 531 from center line with edge of sign proj 6 1 over public prop; (J) Two area lighters each to obs 531 from center line, at 2245 Palm Ave. between Montgomery Freeway & Hollister Ave., Zone HC". Case No. 8387 10-17-67-~; sf-;;-;r-~NE-;;-;_;;:--i~--;I';-to--;;;;;7Hu;;;;;;~p~t~;,--~-;;iut"i"-;;e-;;;;-~-- J2-space trailer park located in and on W side of Montgomery Freeway betw Coronado Ave. & Palm Ave., to include 24 exist trailer spaces, 8 proposed trailer spaces, Manager's sing am res, utility & recreation facility-, other facilities to be designed and used primarily for the service of the occupants of the project, Condi. cup case no. 175-pc s-15-~g