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Development Services

Sec 25 T14s,R2w Sbm

SEC 25 T14S,R2W SBM.tif SEC 25, Tl4S, R2W, S.B.M. Per- Permit to General Dynamics Corp., owner to const & operate research, development, and testing laboratories & faciliites, located south of Poway Rd., east of Pomerado Rd., being portions of Sections 20,21,28,29 & 30 & por of Sec 25, Tl4S, R2W, S.B.M., in the interim R-lA Zone. C.U.P. Case No. 5943 10-1-63--------------------- Por- Permit to Edward A. & Gunda K. Murphy to develop lot with no frontage on a dedicated street. 11000 block of Beeler Canyon Road (behind Lots 1-4) Zone R-1-40. C-14973. 3~27-78.