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Development Services

Sec 22 T18s,R2w Card 1

SEC 22 T18S,R2W CARD 1.tif SEC 22, Tl8s, R2W For- Permit to Robert F. Mccallister to constr res annexation, naving 42 1 st. fr., on N side Palm Ave. c-1496 Card JG (1 and gar on par split out prior to 600' E of RR, Al-1. Cond'l. 11-1-57 For- Permit to W. B. McDonald and Kmitsuru Igucni, excavation of 1,000,000 cu yds. soil etc. on W side u.s. Hwy. 101, Alternate bet Palm & Otay Riv. C-2515 6-10-59 For- Permit to H.G. Fenton Material Co., owner to excavate 1,000,000 cu yds. of soil, sand and gravel at tne above-mentioned location (W side of Hwy 101, betw Palm Ave. and tne Otay River, in tne So San Diego area. R-1 Zone. APPEALED 4-3-62 & Withdrawn 5-8-62 Amended 3-30-67 Amended and extended for 5 yrs (4-27-67) c-4708 4-3-62 For- Permit to SD Ariz East RR, Owner and Monarch Smelting, Lessee (amend application) to constr approx 10' x 20', 10' ni furnace & dryer addn to exist non-conform smelt plant; in oper since 1947; A-1-1 Zone permits agric uses; on Louret St. Ext., SE cor RR rignt~of-way & Louret St. Ext. Zone A-1-1 and nas APPROVED l 8 sq. ft. ID sign. Cond'l. c-8732 6-25-68 Amended 8-14-68 Ext of time to exp 7-1-75 (7-9-73) (_"8-t,,,-7o-~- P.vt., Ja1 <)