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Development Services

Seaman& Choate's Addn Block 7

SEAMAN& CHOATE'S ADDN BLOCK 7.tif 4 SEAMAN & CHOATE I S ADDITION. BLOCK 7 Lots 2 & 3, portion- Permit to P. Douglas Bird- R-2 {Ord. 12795) suspended for gorcery on rear 50, against recommendation of Planning Commission at 1636 Dale St. Res. 60792 10-2-33---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1-4- Condl permit to Hubert J. & Dorothy Foy to constr add to bedrm, kitchen & alter bath of exist sin fam res att to exist non-conforming grocery store {See Res. 60792) on E of Lots 1-4 at 2919 Date St:, betw 29th & Dale Ste., Zone R-2. c-6987 3-8-65---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 17 & 18- AGREEMENT with WILLIAM M. HOLLAND to construct a two-story addition to an existing, two-story, single-family dwelling containing a family room and upstairs bedroom and full bath, with exterior access and interior access via an existing one-story family room addition at 1922 Dale Street, Zone Rl-5000. A-5560 4-13-93