San Ysidro Addition N0. 2 Card #2
SAN YSIDRO ADDITION N0. 2 CARD #2.tif SAN YSIDRO ADDITION NO. 2 Card /12. SWly 170' of Lot A-172- Permit to Roy & Madeleine McWnorter to move in duplex on a parcel w/exist sin fam res; duplex to obs st widening SB but obs O' front yd where 15' is req on SWly 1701 of Lot A-172 at 309 Foothill Rd. betw Smythe Ave. & end of st., Zone R-4, condl c-8164 6-19-67 Ext to exp 12-19-68 AGREEMENT #1487 Lt A-187- Permit to James R. Henley to move in sin fam dwell obs 81 front yd back of estab 40 1 street widening SB from center line of Balcksnaw Lane wnere 15' is req, struct to obs 48' distance from center line of street wnere 55' is req,,14 Blacksnaw Lane, Zone R-4. c-8558 N.H. 2-5-68 Lot E50' of N200' of Lot A-192- Permit to Orville E. & Julia Turnbull to const sin fam res on said parcel which does not have frontage on a dedicated st but served by a 20' alley. SEE AGREEMENT #996 c-1968 8-19-58 Lot A-187- Permit to James R. Henley to move in sin fam dwell obs 8 1 front yd back of estab 40 1 street widening SB from center line of Blacksnaw Lane where 15' is req; structures to obs 48 1 from center line of street where 55' is req on the 400 blk of Blacksnaw Lane intersection of Blackshaw Lane & So. Vista Ave., Zone BJ R-4. C-9072 N.H. 1-10-69