San Diego Property Union Block 57 Card #1
SAN DIEGO PROPERTY UNION BLOCK 57 CARD #1.tif $AN DIEGO PROPER,:Y_UNION ~LQ_CK 51 CARD #1 Lot 1 thru 12- Permit APPMVED te O.. W. Ph i-pps, Ed Murphy, Robert JADLOW, Bruce Dammann, owners; (Representative of Owners: Mr. Ed Murphy) to construct 11, three-story single- family dwellings to observe 0 1 front yard where 15 1 is required and 4 1 interior side yard where 8 1 is required, and APPROVED 23 feet of retaining wall ranging from 8 1-14 1 high at Ash Street and Gregory- 1300 block, Zone R-2. Conditions.________-~S~ NO. 16334 10-16-79 Lots l- 16- Permit APPROVED by AZA to BRUCE DAMMANN & HAFER FAMILY TRUST, to construct fifteen-unit residential project; (1) observing at closest point a 0' front yard where 15 1 is required; (2) observing 4 1 street side yard on Ash Street where 10 1 is required; (3) eliminate landscaping in 15' front yard where minimum 40% of front yard must be landscaped (landscaping to be provided in public right-of-way on Gregory Street); (4) to erect approximately 400' of retaining walls ranging in height from 0 1-6 1 within Gregory Street right of way, and on privdate property observing at closest point a O' front yard where a maximum 3' high wall is permitted in required front yard; and (5) Hillside Review Permit for grading in the Hillside Review Overlay Zone, located at Ash Street and Gregory Street (1300 block), Zone R-2/HR. Conditions. C=l7947 C-17947 4-29-83 AMENDMENT to: construct 11 residential units: (1) observing at closest point a 0 1 front yard where 15' is required; (2) observing 4 1 street side yard on Ash Street where 5' ls required; (3) to erect approximately 126 1 of retaining walls ranging in height from O' to 9 1 within Gregory Street right-of-way and on private property, observing at closest point a 0 1 front yard where maximum 31 high walls are permitted in the required 15' front yard; and (4) Hillside Review Permit for grading in the Hillside Review Overlay Zone; (5) pro- vide 11% landscaping in the required 15' front yard and 5 1 street side yard where a maximum (CONTINUED ON CARD #2)