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San Diego Property Union Block 26

SAN DIEGO PROPERTY UNION BLOCK 26.tif SAN DIEGO PnOPER'l'Y UNION BLOCK 26 Lots 23 & 24 & st cl adj- Permit to Edna w. Dawdy to const sin fam res w/exist sin fem res; exist res obs 2 16" side yd w/28" eave to prp line (4' side yd & 3' eaves req) new dw to obs all req at 3258 Beech St., R-2. c-4018 4-4-61-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1-4, W50'- Permit to Murl o. & Linda J, Rowland, Jr. to constr a sin fam dwell on lot w/an exist sin fam dwell; new dwell to obs 13' front yd on Bancroft St where 15' is req at 3252 Beech St betw Bancroft St & 33rd St., Zone R-2, condl c-10018NH 7-28-70