San Diego Land & Town Co. Addn Block 188 Card #2
SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 188 CARD #2.tif SAN DIEGO LAND AND TOWN CO. ADDITION BLOCK 188 ~ CARD #2 Lots 27 & 28- Permit to;Interstate Bakeries Corp. to const steel bldg for loading dock in conj. with bakery a~ 1955 Julian Ave., condl, R-4 C-1125 4-15-57 Lots 19 thru 22- Permit to Weber Baking Co. (Interstate Bakeries). purch & Wilbur H. & Eva Wier, Owllers, to use L~ts as parking at 1976 Kearney Ave., R-4, cond'l. Ext 6 mos to exp 6-6-59 c-1871 6-6-58 Lots 19 thru 22 & 25 thru 37- Permit to James Martini & Interstate Bakeries Corp to remove exist loading dock & const an approx 114' x 64' addn to non-conforming exist bakery in R-4 Zone; addn to obs 5' street side yard on Dewey St., where multiple units are perm & where 10' street side yard is req, at 1955 Julian Ave. betw Dewey & Crosby Sts., Zone R-4, condl. c-6783 & 6819 11-2-64