San Carlos N0. 5 Card #1
SAN CARLOS N0. 5 CARD #1.tif SAN CARLOS NO. 5 Lot 699- Permit to Artisan, on top of 4'-6" hig. masonry in fence 7'-3" above average of Bantam Lake Ave., 100 1 S Card# I Inc. to maintain 51 high solid.wood fence retaining wall along south p.l., resulting adj ground level where 6 1 is perm, on E side of Bantam Lake Circle, Zone R-1, condl. Case No. 6148 11-27-63------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 722- Permit to Artisan, Inc. to maintair.. 51 high solid wood fence on top of 4, high masonry ret wall along Sp. 1. result in 91 high fence obs 5, SB from Bantam Lake Ave. where max 3 1 high fence is pennitted in re~ 15 1 SB, & fence back of SB 7 1 above aver adj ground level where 6 1 is perm at SW cor of Bantam Lake Circle & Bantam Lake Ave., Zone R-1, conil. Case No. 6147 11-27-63 Lot 723- Permit to Artisan, Inc. to maintain solid wood 51 highftlnce on top of 31 high masonry ret wall along south p.l., result in 8 1 high fence obs 51 SB where max 3 1 high wall or fence is perm in req 1.5 1 SB, & fence back of' SB 6i' above aver adj ground level wnere 6 1 is perm on W side of Bantam Lake Ave., 100 1 S of Bantam Lake Circle, Zone R-1, condl. Case No. 6146 11-27-63-------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 715- Permit to Joe B, & Helen O. Decker to const patio obs 121-6" rear yd where 20 1 is req; patio to be attached & have direct access to exist sing fam res, at 6517 Bantam Lake Circle, Wly of Bantam Lake Ave., R-1 Zone, condl. Case No. 6207 1-8-64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------