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San Carlos Estates Unit N0.9 Card#1

SAN CARLOS ESTATES UNIT N0.9 CARD#1.tif SAN CARLOS ESTATES UNIT NO. 9 Card#~ Lot 140- Leo & Ann Leonard desire to const two-stroy, sing fam res with bar sink in play rm.., on the lower floor, and has agreen that a second kitchen unit will not be installed and lower floor will not_,be installed and lower floor will never be used as a second living unit, at 5851 Overlake Ave. Agreement No. 1457 1-26-67---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 673- Permit to Annual Conference of the Nethodist Church to erect a directory sign 3' x 5'5", double-faced, interior lighted, in structure 61 high x 91 long, obs all yd require- ments, where an 8 sq. ft. for sale or lease si1:n is perm (bee C.U.P. 4232), at 7876 Cowles Mt. Ct., SW cor Navajo Rd. & Cowles ht. blvd., L.One li-1-5. Case No. 8023 j-8-67---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Lot 127- AGREEMENT 1/1392 to George Bazik to install bar sink, 5902 Ridgemoor Dr, R-1-5 7/28/65 Lot 144- AGREEMENT #1265 to Kenneth & Vivienne Sedgwick- bar sink, 5903 0verlake Ave 8/20/63---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 140-- Permit to Leo & Martha A. Leonard to erect 4 1 hi retaining wall obs 8 1 SB on Overlake Ave where max 3' hi wall perm, and erect max 8 1 hi ret wall back of SB w/3' fence on top where max 6 1 hi ret wall w/3' open fence on top is perm- C-8302 N.H. 8-28-67----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------