San Carlos Estates # 1
SAN CARLOS ESTATES # 1.tif r l~,_. J t~ CARD # ~ ~.SAIL.CARLOS ESTATiS #1. Lot 21.- Permit to Leo Pearlston to complete const of sine fam dwell with gar obs-10 1 to 131 rearyd where 20 1 to 25 is req, & with cantilevered SW oor of rel&obs 9 1 SB where 12 1 is req., at 6001 Madra Ave, Zone R-lC. Case No.)182-83 9-25-62 ..:r. <, ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 31- Permit DENIED Wallace E, & Zelma M. Siegel to mair.tair. exist stor- age shed attached to exist ger on S 1 ly side of lot; storage shed obs 5 1-6" sideyd where 10' is req with eaves obs 3'-3" to p.l. (min 7 1-6" perm) at 6679 Linde Lane betw Madra & Dwane Avenues, Zone R-lC. Case No. 5466 2-14-63---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 32- z. A-.. considered the app of California Federal Savings & Loan Assn., owner of First Trust Deed, and Morty & Robert Zlotoff, owner of Second Tr. Deed, to maintain 123 sq, ft. wooden decking 4 1 above grade with 51 high wing wall of bldg. on top of decking ex- tending to south p.l., & 5' high fiber-glass fence continuing around decking on S p.l. 12 1-3", thence inward to dwelling; deck & walls obs 0 1 side yard where 101 side yard is req; to maintain res with eaves obs 7' distance & open beams extending beyond eaves obs 5 1-611 distance from side p.l. where 7 1-6 11 distance is req, at 6669 Linda Lane, Zone R-lC; and has D.ENIED a 0 1 side yard but APPROVED the req with a 5' side yard to be observed, condl. Case No. 5246 10-16-62---------------------------------------------------------....---