San Carlos Country Club Village #2 Card# 1
SAN CARLOS COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE #2 CARD# 1.tif--..... I SAN CARL0S COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE #2-- Lot 90, to Surset Internatl Petroleum Corp to c onst- 12, rear yd (20 r req) 7643 Flag Lake st., R-1 CASE #4476 (o Carcr/11.j 10-20-61 r.ot 135-, Permit to above to const sing fam res obs 5 1 rear yd f:rni Wly prop ln- (201 req) 6438 Lake Adlon Ct, R-1 CASE #4466 10-20-61------------------------------------------ Lot 94- S1mset Petrolem Corp (Robt Stewart) to maintain & c0111plete sing famres obs 1 1 eaves to prop line en Sly aid.e (3'-9" ain pel'lllitted) at 6402 Gem Lake Ave betv Fla.g Lake St & Lake Shores Dr, R-1 1 C-5036 7/S/i2 Lot 128- Permit to Tavares Development Company to maintain sing fam dwelling wit:i eaves obs 3 1 distance from easterly prop line where 3 1-9n is req at SE comer Gay Lake Ave and Lake Adlon Dr., R-1 Zone. Case 5401 1/4/63------------------------------------- Lot 136- Request of Sunset International Petroleum Corp. to erect 41 high wood fence obs 5' SB on Lake Adlon Court where 101 to 15 1 SB is est.ab; por of fence back of SB to be on existing bank ranging in height to 4'. TABLED 4/24/64., on Lake Adlon Drive SW cor Lake Atilon Drive Zone R-1-5. Case No. 642.3 4/24/64 Lot 138- Permit considered by Z. A. on req of Collins Development Co. to erect approx 60 1 of 51 high redwood fence encroaching from 611 to 5' into estab 10 1 SB, at 6465 r...en Lake, SE cor Lake Adlon Dr. & Gem Lake Ave., Zou: R-1-5 & has DENIED the requested 6 11 to 5 1 encr, but has APPROVED a O I to 3 1 encroachment. Case No. 7517 12/14/65