San Carlos #2 Card #4
SAN CARLOS #2 CARD #4.tif SAN CARLOS UNIT lf2 /If Card #4 Lot 143- Permit DENIED to Joseph & Margherita LoMedico to const & maint 19' x 26' fam room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 5' rear yd where 20' is req at 8123 San Carlos Dr. betw Lake Badin & Boulder Lake Avenues, Zone R-1-5. C-9541 10-23-69 Lot 172- Pennit to Mike & Dawn Kosmae to constr a 28' x 14' fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs an 18' rear yard wnere 20' is req, at 7984 San Carlos Dr betw Lake Avenue and Bantam Lake Ave., Zone R-1-5. C-11599 N.H. 10-13-72--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 80- Permit to Herbert J. & Elene Solomon for perm to erect 354' of 12' high chain link fence to ecnlose tennis court obs 0 1 interior sideyard and 0 1 rear at closest point, where a max: 6' high fence is perm in 6' interior sideyard and 20 1 rear yd, eight (8) lights to extend 3' above proposed fence, at 6827 Elaine Way betwn Dwayne Ave. and Elm- hurst Drive, in the R-l-10. C-12,305 12-6-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 157- Permit to William Charles & Leta Rice to const a 12'x24'6" fam-rm addn to an exs sfd, addn to obs a 3' int side yd and fireplace to obs a 1.5' int sd yd at 7939 San Carlos Drive. Zone R-1-5. C-14633. 10-26-77. Lot 109- Home Occupation Permit DENIED to Frank Galusha to use premises for training a nd selling of birds with max of five customers a week at 8082 Beaver Lake Drive. Zone R-1-5, H0-4407..12-28-77.. .--.---------..--..--------------------------------------------------------------------------