Roseville Heights Block 7
ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS BLOCK 7.tif ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS Lots 5-6 Lots l & 2 Lots 35 to 40 incl.... Block 7 ot6S Application of Charles W. Winters withdrawn for private gar to PL (see Minutes 7/11/35).. Permit to Mildred H. & Freeman J. Durgin to erect res on NW cor of Akron & Trumbull Sts w / a 17' SB on Trumbull St. Res. 920 4/26f45 DENIED permit to Charles E. & Beulah Howard to alter 2nd fl of exist gar at 3332 Hill St into 2 bedrms & bath w/8 1 RY. Res. 431 11/4/43 Nly 37' of Lots 23 & 24 Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Miller to conv exist 2nd fl porch of exist sgle fam res to dinette, dw loc on par split after date of orig zoning but piror to 12/5/54 on Nly 37' of Lots 23 & 24, 1069 Bangor St, R-1 1 where sgle faro dw on lot or pare at time of zoning Lots 3 & 4 is perm, cond'l. c-5650- 5-3-63 Permit to Joseph & Patricia Costa (exc 44i covge) to constr liv rm, 3-bedrm, 2-bth & gar 2-sto addn to sgle fam-res on a par obs 7 16 11 RY where a 20' RY is req, addn obs all yd req but res in approx 44i c covge where 4oi covge is perm, 3311 Trumbull St, R-1-5, cond'l. c-6719 10-1-64 \