Roseville Heights Block 15
ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS BLOCK 15.tif Lots 8, 9 & 10 Lots 14 & 15 Lots 14 & 15 Lots 8, 9 & 10 Lot 8 Zt> Permit to Rudolph A. as addn to 18 1 x 19' hi, 864 Bangor St. Aguilar to constr 18' x 18 1 outdoor liv & play rm gar w/no ST & 8 1 RY, & to constr a patio wall 8 1 h Cond'l approval to William T. & Diana W. wall ranging in ht from 1 1 6" to 46" obs blk- 25~ req & wall max 3' in ht in SB R-1 Res. 2392 7-16-47 Stephens to maint exist ret O' SB on John St (avge SB of area perm) 3415 John St. C-5501 3-11-63 Perm to Wm. T. & Diana W. Stephens to constr bedrm, bath & dressing rm over exist gar att to exist sgle fam res, exist gar obs 0 1 SY adj to alley, addn also to obs 0 1 SY adj to alley, where 4 SY is req (see C-5501) 3415 John St., R-1-5, C-6706 9-4-64 Permit to Aguilar {see Res, 2392) to do as described and have applied for Variance under Petition #1+971, dated 7-1-47. 8-8-47 Joee S. & Clotilde Soares DENIED permit to constr sgle fam dw obs 20' on Byron St betw Willow & Evergreen (avge SB 21 '9" req.) R-1 C-3378 7-25-60 Lots 1, 2- AGREEMENT with Rose Martha Tormey to construct a two-story addition to an exist,-. ing, single-story, single-family dwelling; said second floor addition containing a master bedroom, master bathroom, sitting room. closets and exterior deck, First floor contains a two-car garage with laundry and storage area. Exterior access through existing sliding glass door to side yard and interior access from existing breakfast area off kitchen at 888 Bangc;,r St~ ZQe ~J-5000 AFeei;nei;it/f A,-.5050 7.,-tz,-9t (tf.AJ'_4_23)