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Development Services

Roseville Heights Block 1 Card 4

ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS BLOCK 1 CARD 4.tif '-- ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS BLOCK 1 "'Ji card #4 Lot 32- Permit to vartan and Seta Khosharian, Owners to constr 16 1 x 17' deck addn to exist sin fam dwell; deck to obs at closest point 4' front yard where 15' is req and result in 5C/fo cov where max 4C/fo is perm at 3350 tn.lman St. betw Bangor st. and Akron St. Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. c-12783 9-9-74-Lot 32- Permit to vartan and Seta Khosharian to constr fam rm addn with bar sink to sin fam dwell at 3350 Ullman St. Zone R-l-5. AGREE #2028 1-17-75 Lot 4- 9- ZA APPROVED request of ROBERT C. & JOY L. ROCK, BENNIE L., MARY Z., & THOW\S GRONDONA, owners; THOMAS S. GRONDON, purchaser- to provide I) access to reqd parking across approximately 2 1 611 of Lots 4 & 5, & across Lots 6 & 7, to Lots 8 & 9, where direct access to parking is reqd from the same Jot; & 2) to constr driveway ramp with columns exceeding 3' in height, observing a 0' interior side yd. where maximum 3' hi structure is permitted in the reqd 4 1 interior side yd. at the intersection of Canon & Valemont Streets zoned R-1-5 with cond. C-18218 5/3/85