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Roseville Block 71

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 71.tif ROSEVILLE Lots 10 f, 11 Lots 4-9 & 35' Hugo St clsd adj Pors. I.Dts 7 & 8 Block 71 o \ '=1'5-S- o~os ~ Permit to Glen IL & Beryl C. Munkelt to erect sgle fam res w/a 5' SB where 14' SB is req; 3333 Inge low St. R-1. Res 4797 G-28-50 Fermi t to above to cons tr retain wall 8'. Res. 5023 10-4-50 Permit to divide 6 lots into four parce & erect sgle fam res on each, Willo,. & Ingelow Sts. to c:::..:::,_'1 H. MUNKELT Res. 5957 10-31-51 Permit to above to constr ~es on por of lots,./5 1 SB, 3319 Ingelo"W Res. 5980 10-31-51 Por I.Dts 5 & 6 & Permit to GLEN H. MUNKELT, ow!ler, St clsd adj (tent obs req 20' RY & att oversiue gar Lot 2, Munkelt Hts)& Ingdow, R-1, cond'l & Arthur L. GLORE, purch, to constr res obs 5' RY, W side ~illow betw Garrison J C-1978 8-8-58 Lot 3- Permit to Bud Leach, as amended,purch & Ed & Eva Albarian, own to const a sin fam dwell obs 15' rear yd where 20' is req and result in 45% lot cover where 40% is perm at 3300 blk of Hugo St bet.. Plum and Wilmow Sts., Zone R-1-5, c-10068 9-9-70 c;t-12-~-p;;~it-t;-G1;~-M~~k;1;-to-mainiain-exfst i-hf-chafn-ifnk-fence-an-sf-sra;ya-- prop line where max 3' hi fence is perm in req 15' front yd & to maintain exist fence 5' to 7' hi on front P.rop line where max 3' hi fence is perm at 3333 lngelow St at SE cor of its intersec with Plum St. C-10877 N.H. 12-14-71