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Development Services

Roseville Block 67

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 67.tif ROSEVILLE Lot 7 & SEly Lot 8 NWly Lot 8, all of Lot 9 Block 67 E. C. & Mayme Ybarrondo to erect 1 sgle fam res. s-165 E. C. & Mayme N. Ybarrondo to erect 1 sgle fam res. S-166 7-12-53 7-12-53 Lot 7 & SE! of L8t 8 (S-165)- Permit to Charles W. & Frances Edwards to constr. a second- story, 16 1 x 20' recreation room addn. to exist. one-story, single fam. dwell; exist. dwell. obs. a 5' St. side yd. on Plum St. and addn. will obs. a 5' St. side yd. wnere 10' is req. at 3407 Hugo St. betw. Plum St. and Clove St. Zone R-1-5. c-10692 8-20-71