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Development Services

Roseville Block 234

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 234.tif ROSEVILLE Lot 4 Lot 6 Block 234 Permit to Herbert H. Hafter to constr maid's qrtrs w/SY 8 1611 & RY 21' & lot covge 46~ (Ba Ord. 8924) R-1, 3222 Browning St. Res 69327 5-16-39 Permit DENIED to William E. Lucas 111 to constr 18 1211 x 20 16" bedroom and bath over exist detached garage of sin fam dwell; garage obs 0' rear yard and addition to observe 0' rear yard where 20' rear yard is req, at 2504 Evergreen Street betwn Browning and Curtis Streets, Zone R-1-5, C-12,101 8-9-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------